Deafblindness in a life perspective – strategies and methods for support


This book is intended for everyone who wants to learn more about deafblindness, the consequences of living with deafblindness, and the specific life conditions that this impairment implies.

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This book is intended for everyone who wants to learn more about deafblindness, the consequences of living with deafblindness, and the specific life conditions that this impairment implies. What does everyday life look like for a person with deafblindness? How is the social life affected for a person who acquires deafblindness? What does it mean for a family to share the life with professionals? How does deafblindness influence the choice of education and profession for an adolescent? What needs to be done in order to make the geriatric care accessible to elderly people with deafblindness? To live with deafblindness, whether you are a child, an adolescent, or an adult, is specific and individual, and it always takes place in a certain cultural and social context, in a specific environment, and at a certain time. In this book, the author seeks to capture individual persons’ descriptions of their life situations, and use this as a basis for developing and building up good forms for support. The work is a project, carried out as a co-operation between Habilitation & Assistive Technology in Region Skåne, the Association of the Swedish Deafblind (FSDB) and the Skåne Association of Local Authorities, and with financial support from the Swedish Inheritance Fund.

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